This Dream Is All That I Need, Cause It’s All That I Ever Had.

Since my last post we had our last day of filming final scenes, had a casting session, did a class where we got to talk to an agent, and screened our final scenes. On the Thursday my fellow Canadian classmate, Zach, & I took two of our other classmates, Robin & David, to a Canada themed bar in Covent Garden, named Maple Leaf. Can’t get much more Canadian then that. We drank some Moosehead and Sleeman and ate delicious poutine! It was a nice little taste of home for Zach and I and an introduction for our friends to the world of hockey memorabilia, moose, Canadian cuisine & beer.

The next day was our last day of class 😦 We screened our final scenes for some of the directing students, and I was so happy because my friends Lex, Sarah, & Shenaz from the first course came to watch too!!! Afterwards we all went out to our pub of choice, The Grove, and had a very fun evening. DJ Marzy (Marlaina) & DJ Ollie (that’s me) graced the stage (aka the table) once more with our rendition of Iggy Azalea’s Fancy. I do believe throughout the evening various tunes from Les Miserables were also belted out at the table. I’m sure everyone else in the pub appreciated our singing & rapping immensely. As much as this night was a quite a fun one, it was also pretty emotional as I’m going to miss everyone a lot!


The next couple days I had a few transit mishaps, which made me 1. realize I can pretty much deal with anything (transportation wise) that London has to throw at me. and 2. It would have made things a lot easier if I had had a phone…so noted for next time…get a phone.


And all of a sudden Tuesday, June 3rd came and I was on a flight back here, to Canada. Here I am, back in the Great White North…and I’m missing London already and all my wonderful new friends I made there. I truly hope I get to see them all again soon but for now all I can do is thank them (the them being all my classmates from both courses and my teachers from both courses especially my main tutors Sarah & Emma! & the Holts!) all for the amazing time I had, I know it wouldn’t have been the same without you guys and I will miss you SO much! Thanks for making the experience unforgettable!



Olivia xo

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